Conservation Finance


Towne and Forrester works with organizations to look for innovative financing options for conservation.

T&F has previously worked with underserved communities such as small-scale farmers associations and indigenous communities in Latin America to find a variety of finance options for conservation and sustainable development. Conservation finance options in this sense means the variety of potential funders for conservation projects such as international development agencies, U.S. non-profit foundations, and private investors interested in conservation. T&F carries these activities out by helping organizations write grants and network with potential funders.

We work to help write grants from US foundations, international development agencies, and private/public partnerships. Previously we assisted Fundación Runa in Ecuador to secure a grant from Rainforest Action Network (a US-based 501(c)(3) organization), as well as a private/public partnership with the Andean Development Bank (CAF) and the Napo Provincial government in Ecuador. 

